This show tune is from the 1959 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical The Sound of Music. Within the story the Governess Maria uses the song to teach the Von Trapp children how to sing, this despite the austere father having disallowed frivolity and enjoyment following the death of his wife. A notable feature of the song is that in order to teach the children musical notes, the song contains each syllable of the solfège system in the lyrics, and the syllables are sung on the pitch that they name. There are similarities between the theme of this tune, and part of the overture to Wagner's Tannhauser.
In the stage version the song first appears when Maria first meets the children in the living room of Captain von Trapp's house. However, Ernest Lehman moved the song to later on in the story for his screenplay adaptation. In the 1965 film Maria and the children sing the song as they wander through Salzburg.
In both the film and stage versions the song reappears as a reprise in the style of a Bach cantata.
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